Ханат цагаан гэрийн од хийморийн тоонон дээр
Хасаг халуун тулганы омог дєрвєн тотгон дээр
Хан Алтай аавын онгон тэргvvн оргил дээр
Хатан Сэлэнгэ ээжийн одод орчих мандал дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би
Ганган улаан тэмээний зогдор дэвсэх тэшил дээр
Гантай мєнгєн хэтний зоолог тээх тээгэн дээр
Галбын халуун говийн хулан ангах ээрэм дээр
Гантиг чулуун хясааны янгир халих элгэн дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би Хvж дурдан бvсний ташаа дарах нугалаан дээр
Хvрэл манан хєєргєний даалин дарах наргиан дээр
Хvйсийн шvvдэр буусан уулын гацаа бууцан дээр
Хvннv дээдсийн тамгалсан улбаа гархин буурин дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би
Ширмэн тємєр дєрєєний шивээ зурах тавган дээр
Шижир алтан ээмэгний шигтгээ чимэх гархин дээр
Шинийн хоёрны саран хаяарч шингэх тэнгэр дээр
Шинэ нялх ногоо ханшиж задрах газар дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би
Аавын мєнгєн хазаарын найман цэнгийн товруун дээр
Азын алаг мэлхийн наян нэгэн шагайн дээр
Алиахан саарлын унага хєллєн тэнцэх нуга дээр
Ангирын хоёр дэгдээхэй хєвєн цэнгэх нууран дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би
Индэр улаан галын цац бадман дєлєн дээр
Ижил хоёр загалын цацаг шанхан дэлэн дээр
Идэр гурван есийн цас чахрах цайдам дээр
Есєн голын цан хєєрєх царман дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би
Бэлгийн цэнхэр хадагны хоёр гардах дэлгээс дээр
Бэхэн хар гэзэгний хосоор дарах сvлжээс дээр
Бэрийн домогт цэцгийн хорвоо уярах дэлбээн дээр
Бидэрт мєнгєн сарны хоймор унах туяан дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би
Урсгал татмал усны хєл алдах ёроол дээр
Ургамал таримал модны хєрсєнд хавах ёзоор дээр
Уяран мэлмэрэх янагийн дурлал амилах харцан дээр
Уйлан мэндлэх vрийн дуулан орхих манцуйн дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би
Ажнай сайн хvлгийн гал цахилах тууран дээр
Аагисан улаан хvдрийн ган царцах хайлш дээр
Амар тvвшин жаргалтай ам бvлийн дансан дээр
Алтан босго єлзийтэй айл бvхний vvдэн дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би
Баяр найрын ширээний амтат тансаг идээн дээр
Баян хангайд мєнхєрсєн арц хуш зээгэн дээр
Балтаар давтан хийсэн анжисны торгон ирэн дээр
Багц дvvрэн ургасан атрын тарианы мєрєн дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би
Эрт айлын хаяа дархан хилийн дээсэн дээр
Энхтайвны харуул дайчин эрсийн тангараг дээр
Эрдэнэ зуугийн хэрэмний зуун найман суварга дээр
Энэ зууны єргєєний зуун тvмэн цонхон дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би
Эрх чєлєєний зарлиг ардын vндсэн хууль дээр
Эрх хэл соёлынхоо ад биш баян сан дээр
Эрдэнэтийн арга билиг алтан соёмбын гачил дээр
Эх нутгийн шорооны амиар солих ширхэг дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би
Аав ээжийн буянтай єлзийт цагаан хоймор дээр
Амин гарвалын толботой єлгийт нялхсын єєжин дээр
Ардын журамт цэргийн єргєж ялсан туг дээр
Амьсгалаа бидэнд єгсєн єрлєг дээдсийн дурсгал дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би
Хан тэнгэрт сvмбэрлэсэн vйлдвэр уурхайн яндан дээр
Хаяа нийлж сvндэрлэсэн vлгэрийн харшийн туурган дээр
Хангай говь талын vлэмжийн єв баялаг дээр
Халуун эх оронч бvхний vндэсний их бахархал дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би
Сав саваар саалийн харваж хvрэхгvй зэлэн дээр
Сая саяар сvргийн хатирч хvрэхгvй билчээр дээр
Сар нарны єртєєнд хагацаж болшгvй учрал дээр
Сайхан монгол орноо хайрлаж ханашгvй ерєєл дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би
Єглєє бvрийн нарны асгаран буух цацрал дээр
Євгийн морин хуурын аялгуу хослох утсан дээр
Єргєн цээж чєлєєтэй амьсгалж яваа газар дээр
Єєрийн толгой мэдэлтэй амьдарч яваа заяан дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би
Ухаа хонгорын жолоог захлан татсан талбай дээр
Ухаант жанжин Сvхбаатарын зарлан дуудсан тунхаг дээр
Улаанбаатар нийслэлийн заяа тэтгэх дээвэр дээр
Улсаа ачлан захирсан засаг тєрийнхєє ордон дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би
Нvvрэнд нь гал бадарсан монгол эцгийн хийморь дээр
Нvнжгэнд нь нар гэрэлтсэн монгол эхийн сэтгэл дээр
Нvvдлийн єргєєнд нэгдсэн монгол аймгийн холбоон дээр
НҮБ-ын шилтгээнд заларсан монгол улсын далбаан дээр
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би
Эзэн сууж жаргасан их заяагаа сvсэглэж
Эх орон талынхаа ирээдvйн таалалд нийцvvлж
Эрдэнэсийн далайгаас шvvрдсэн итгэлийн сувд vгсээр
Эрх жаргалаа баталсан иргэн бvхний гараар
Тусгаар тогтнол чамайг
Тунхаглан бичнэ би.
Дэндэвийн Пvрэвдорж
This blog is a window to my Life in Korea as an International Student. I am Buyana Buyangerel from Mongolia who came to Korea to study Masters in Economics from Kangwon National University, Chuncheon. It was a big decision by me in my life when I decided my study destination to Korea but I find it as a Turning Point in my life. Everybody of You are cordially welcome to join this blog. I hope the Morning calm will definitely inspire the Wonderful Blue sky.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Sunday, August 5, 2012
GPYC Korea Invites You To Join The Unified Korea Campaign
Want to do something different this time? Come join us from August 13th -15th and contribute in unified Korea Campaign. Students who will join us for 3days will go rafting on the 16th at Cheorwon, Gangwondo and take a trip to warzone! Students who do not have enough time can also apply to join for the 15th of August, but cannot join the rafting trip. Accomodation will not be provided.
Themes For Each Day
- August 13: A day with North Koreans
- August 14: A day with young children
- August15: GPYC with International Students
What Will You Do?
You will join Korean students and other international students in a campaign to collect signatures for a unified Korean Peninsula, hold pickets and wear costumes to grab attention and raise awareness for Unified Korea. You will help to run the photo zone, video shows and help in the fundraising booth and side events like face painting, balloon arts and collect wishes for unification of Korean Peninsula.
How To Apply?
What Is GPYC?
GPYC stands for Global Peace Youth Corps and is active in Korea, the United States, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Mongolia. For more information visit: www.gpyckorea.org.
Why International Students?
We want international students to have an oppurtunity to join Korean students and youths from other nations to contribute to raise awareness for the unification process.
Monday, July 9, 2012
My amazing tour of Dokdo and Ulleungdo Islands
SunFlower boat (Mukho to Ulleungdo) |
Ulleungdo Island
I got the rare opportunity to visit the Dokdo Island ten days ago.First day we reached The Ulleungdo Island , and spent two night there. Second day we visited Dokdo Island and took very nice pictures. It was an amazing experience.
I couldn't believe I was allowed to just walk through Dokdo. I was just informed that all of my stress
has been gone, so I'm happy to give you few pictures of my
Highest point of Ulleungdo Island |
Night view of Ulleungdo beach |
Beautiful Water fall of Ulleungdo |
Seeing view of Ulleungdo |
Adorability of Ulleungdo Island |
Dokdo Island
Friends!Let's visit Ulleungdo and Dokdo Islands!!!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Do you want to know about History of Ancient Korea?
Одоо Солонгос соёлын урсгал бол зөвхөн Солонгост нэр алдарт гарсан Солонгосын соёл биш Азид төдийгүй дэлхий дахинаар хамтдаа дурлаж мэдэрч болох “Дэлхийн соёл” болон хувирч байна. Япон, Хятад зэрэг улсаас эхэлсэн Солонгосын соёлын урсгал маань Солонгос соёлын талаарх халуун сэтгэл өвөрлөн, Солонгос хэлийг хайрласан сэтгэл, таран түгж түүнчлэн олон хүмүүс Солонгос бичиг үсэгт суралцах гэж шамдах болсон юм. Вьетнам, Монгол, Филипин, Тайланд орнуудад тасралтгүй тархаж өнөөдөр ч бас Азиас халин дэлхий нийтийн анхаарлыг хүчтэйгээр татаж байна. Мөн Солонгос урсгал бол дэлхий дахинд хүчтэйгээр тархаж буй Азийн соёл юм. Солонгосын соёлын урсгал нь" Азийн зах зээлээс халин дэлхийн зах зээлрүү урсан орох болно" гэж - Английн пайнэйншёл таймс – сонинд бичигдсэн бөгөөд мөн дэлхийн улс орны олон шилдэг сургуулиудад тасралтгүй Солонгос хэлний тэнхим шинээр бий болсоор байна. Энэ нь дэлхий дахинд Солонгос улсын эрин үе гарч ирсэнийг гэрчилж байна. Солонгос улс дэлхий дахинд Азийн эдийн засгийн хүч чадал болон сүрлэг нөлөөг үзүүлж байна. Солонгос соёлын урсгал одооноос эхлэж байна. Өдийг хүртэл таны уулзаж байсан соёлын урсгалаас хавьгүй илүү соёлын урсгал таны төлөө өөрийгөө бэлдэж байна. Солонг
Солонгосын хойг дээрх хүн суурьшиж байсныг батлах археологийн олдворууд нь хуучин чулуун зэвсгийн үед хамаардаг байна.
Солонгосын анхны төрт улс болон Гүжосон МЭӨ 2333 онд байгуулагджээ. Энэхүү улс нь Солонгосын хойгийн хойд хэсэг, Манжуурыг эзлэн оршиж байсан ба Хятадын Хан гүрэнтай хийсэн удаан хугацааны дайны дараагаар сулран бутарсан байна.
МЭ эхэн үед, Солонгосын хойг ба Манжуурт Бүёо (Buyeo), Үгжо (Okjeo), Дүне (Dongye), Шамхан (Samhan) зэрэг жижиг улсууд тогтнож байсан ба улмаар эдгээр улсууд Когурё (Goguryeo), Пекче (Baekje), Шилла (Silla) гэсэн хаант улсууд болж нэгджээ. Энэ үеийг Солонгосын түүхэнд 3 хаант улсын үе гэж нэрлэнэ.
Энэ үед Буддын шашин Хятадаар дамжин Солонгост нэвтэрсэн ба Солонгосын соёлын нөлөөтэйгээр Японд хүрсэн байна.
Энэ 3 улсыг 676 онд Шилла нь нэгтгэж, Солонгосын хойгийн ихэнхийг захирах болсон ба хойд хэсэгт нь Балхэ улс оршин тогтнож байв. Нэгдсэн Шилла улсын үед яруу найраг, урлаг, буддын соёл дэлгэрэн хөгжсөн байна. Шилла ба Хятадын харилцаа тухайн үед найрсаг байсан ч дотоод байдлаас болон Шилла суларч, 935 онд Гүрёо улс байгуулагдав. 926 онд Балхэ улс Кидан улсын нөлөөгөөр мөхсөн байжээ.
Гүрёогийн хаан Ван Гон Солонгосын хойгийг бүхэлд нь эзэлсэн ба энэ улсын үед соёл, урлаг Шиллагийн үетэй адил өндөр хөгжиж байв. 1377 онд Дэлхийн хамгийн анхны металл хэвлэлийн барыг хэрэглэж, Буддын судар хэвлэж байсан баримт байдаг.
13-р зууны үед Монголын эзэнт гүрний дайралт Гүрёо улсыг ихээхэн доройтуулжээ. Гэхдээ тухайн үед Гүрёо нь Монголын эзэнт гүрний харьяат байдлаар оршин тогтнож байлаа. Монголын эзэнт гүрнийг задарсны дараа Гүрёо нь дахин өөртөө эзэрхэх болсон байна. 1388 онд цэргийн жанжин Ли Сон Гэ Гүрёо улсын суурин дээр Чусон гүрэнг байгуулав.
Генерал И Сон Гэ улсынхаа нэрийг Чусон гэж нэрлэн, Сөүл хотыг нийслэлээ болгов. Чусон гүрэний эхний 200 жилд харьцангуй амгалан байж, соёл урлаг, шинжлэх ухаан хөгжиж байсны жишээ нь Сэжон хааны үед хангил хэмээх өөрийн бичиг үсэгээ зохиож, күнзийн сургааль дэлгэрчээ.
16-р зууны сүүлээр (1592-1598) Япон Солонгосыг эзэлсэн боловч, усан цэргийн жанжин И Сон Шин, Хятадын Мин улсын оролцоотойгоор япон 1598 онд Солонгосын хойгийг орхин явсан байна. Одоо И Сон Шин жанжин Солонгосын үндэсний баатруудын нэгээр тооцогддог байна.
1620-1630-д оны үед Чусон гүрэн нь Манжийн Чин гүрэний харьяат болсон байна. 1870-д оноос дахин Япон нь Солонгосыг эзлэхийг оролдож эхэлсэн ба 1895 онд Чусон гүрэний хатан хааны амийг хорлож, улмаар 1905 онд Солонгосыг Японы протекторат болохыг тулган зөвшөөрүүлэв. Сoлонгосууд Японы түрэмгийлэлийг эсэргүүцэн 1910 оноос эхлэн тэмцэж, Манжуур, Хятад, Сибирт идэвхитэй үйл ажиллагаа явуулж байв.
Friends!Let's go to the 12th Yeosu Int'l Youth Festival
Yeosu, the city of Expo hosts ‘the 12th Yeosu Int’l Youth Festival’
You can meet many global friends in Yeosu and do various cultural activities for free!
You will get an unforgettable memory here.
We are waiting for your positive applications.
[summary of the festival]
- Title : the 12th Yeosu Int'l Youth Festival
- Theme : Youth, the moving islands towards the future
- Venue : Ungcheon Chinsu Park and the whole area of Yeosu
- Period : Jul.24 - Jul. 29, 2012
- Programs : Global Friendship Camp, Opening and Closing Ceremony, K-pop Concert, Dance and song Competition, Forum, Workshop for environment, Exhibition, Magic show, Marine leports, and other cultural activities
· Accommodations and meals are provided.
· The certificate will be given.
· The entry fee for every program is free
· Field trip of Expo Yeosu 2012 Korea and islands of Yeosu
[More Information]
Do not hesitate to visit the website and send us the application to our email. · http://www.ystour.kr/kr/festival/youth.jsp · yeosuyouth2012@gmail.com
[How to apply] please click this link below and download the application form and send us. http://www.ystour.kr/kr/festival/youth.jsp?mode=view&bbsId=festivalpds&cur_page=1&searchOpt=&searchWord=&searchBbsCate=32&bbsBid=22249
Source: worknplay community.
[summary of the festival]
- Title : the 12th Yeosu Int'l Youth Festival
- Theme : Youth, the moving islands towards the future
- Venue : Ungcheon Chinsu Park and the whole area of Yeosu
- Period : Jul.24 - Jul. 29, 2012
- Programs : Global Friendship Camp, Opening and Closing Ceremony, K-pop Concert, Dance and song Competition, Forum, Workshop for environment, Exhibition, Magic show, Marine leports, and other cultural activities
· Accommodations and meals are provided.
· The certificate will be given.
· The entry fee for every program is free
· Field trip of Expo Yeosu 2012 Korea and islands of Yeosu
[More Information]
Do not hesitate to visit the website and send us the application to our email. · http://www.ystour.kr/kr/festival/youth.jsp · yeosuyouth2012@gmail.com
[How to apply] please click this link below and download the application form and send us. http://www.ystour.kr/kr/festival/youth.jsp?mode=view&bbsId=festivalpds&cur_page=1&searchOpt=&searchWord=&searchBbsCate=32&bbsBid=22249
Source: worknplay community.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Seoraksan Hike and Beach Weekend with Zipline
There is a rare 3 day weekend coming up. So lets do the 3 things you would love to do.
1. Hike Seoraksan
2. Beach Time
3. Zipline over Ocean!
Seoraksan (설악산) is the perhaps the most majestic of parks in Korea. The views from the highest peak will simply take your breath away.
However you have to pay a price for that amazing view. There are two Giant Hike Trails available to you.
The "smaller Giant Hike" hike is a 10-12 hour course. Lets call it the Dae Chung Bong / Chun Bul Dong course. It is so tough but so worth it. ^^
And then for those who like to challenge the toughest or the highest or the most difficult, you may want to take your shot at the Dinosaur Ridge. Let's call this the "bigger Giant Hike". It is similar to the 10hr "smaller Giant Course" course but add 2-3 extra hours. So it takes 12 to 14hrs. Only a few have taken this most difficult of the Seoraksan hikes and perhaps the most difficult one in Korea!
Perhaps the greatest view point in Seoraksan is the masterpiece view at the highest peak (Dae Chung Bong). At 1708 meters (5603 feet) it is 3rd highest of the big 3. Jeju Halasan is 1950 meters (6397 feet) and Jirisan is 1915 meters. Since you can begin the hike at 980 meters, the elevation rise is 700 meters (or about 2400 feet).
And to help be better prepared for the giant hike, instead of departing at 11PM from Seoul and then sleeping less than 2hrs on the bus to then embark on either of the Giant Hikes, lets take advantage of the 3day weekend. We leave 9AM on Saturday so we can check into the motel by NOON. Then you have the opportunity to relax on the very nice beach all afternoon. (Or go to Seorak Mountain)
The hikers should all stay in one room and hit the sack early like 9PM. Then get up at 2:303AM to head over to the hike starting point. You finish at 5:30PM and head over to the motel.
The beginning part of either Giant Hikes is the same. But at Hee Woon Gak you have to decide which of the two routes to take. The smaller Giant Hike to Chun Bul dong Valley or the bigger Giant hike to Dinosaur ridge.
But you are not Decathlon Athlete? No problem. There is a much shorter route available. The walk/hike to Ulsan Boulder is about a 4-5 hour round trip route. The views at the top is also breathtaking. You will see the awesome giant boulder ridges on one side and the ocean in the distance on the other.
So once you get to the beach you have 3 choices for Sunday:
1. Do the Giant Hike (Either Dinosaur Ridge or Chunbuldong)
2. Do the shorter Ulsan Boulder Hike or Go to top by Cable Car
3. Stay at the Beach
Then you will be able to spend the next morning (Monday) relaxing on the beach. Then before leaving for home a thrilling Zipline ride over the ocean!
It is the Longest Zipline in Korea. 419 meters long (1375 feet). And the zipline starts at a place near the beach such that you are ziplining over ocean water and end up on the sandy beach. Maximum weight limit is 110kg.
OPTION #1 - Giant Hikes
The Dinosaur Ridge Course is for people who stay fit:
You start at Osaek Hot Springs and head up to Dae Chung Bong peak (3-5 hrs) which is the peak of Seorak Mountain. Then from the peak head down to Hee Woon Gak (1hr) which is the starting point of the Dragon Ridge trail (4-6hrs) and then hike down to Bi Sun Dae (2 hrs). From Bi Sun Dae its easy stroll down to Seorak Valley (1hr).
Total Hike/Walk Time = 12-14 hours or so.
The Dae Chung Bong to Chun Bul Dong Course is also very tough:
Like the other hike you start at Osaek and head up to Dae Chung Bong peak (4-5 hrs). Then from the peak head down to Hee Woon Gak (1hr). From here continue heading down Chun Bul Dong Valley and on to Bi Sun Dae (3 hours). From Bi Sun Dae its easy stroll down to Seorak Valley (1hr). Chunbuldong Valley is awesome with so many water falls and pools of water to dip your feet in with foliage all around.
Total Hike/Walk Time = 9-11 hours or so.
Both will test your strength and you will be worn out for sure. There is a sauna facility nearby to soothe your aching muscles.
OPTION #2 - Ulsan Boulder Hike or Cable Car
Ulsan Boulder Hike is 4-5 hours and is quite easy except the steep ladders at the end. The view from the top is breathtaking. You get views of giant boulder ridges band also the ocean in the distance.
Chunbul Dong Valley is the most spectacular so if you wanted you could head up to a certain part of it from Bisundae and then come back down the same way.
Leave Seorak valley as the Giant Hike (Option 1) group finishes their hikes and meet up with you.
5/26 (SAT)
9:00AM Depart Seoul
Abgujeong Station (Line #3) Exit #1 around the corner
NOON Arrive Beachside Motel
Freetime on the Beach!
Dinner Time (Sea Food or BBQ at Restaurants on the Beach)
5/27 (SUN)
2:30AM Depart Motel
3AM Arrive Osaek
Bus Returns to Motel
11AM Bus Departs Motel
11:30AM Arrive Seorak Park
5:30PM Seorak Park Exit Parking Lot
6PM Arrive Motel
Dinner Time (Possible to Head Over to Seokcho Town for Dinner)
5/28 (MON)
Morning Beach time~
11:45AM Depart Beach for Zipline
1PM Start Zipline
3PM Depart for Seoul
7:45PM Arrive Seoul
OPTION #1 Schedule:
3AM Arrive, Start Hike
3PM Finish Hike and Arrive Bisundae
5:30PM Seorak Park Exit Parking Lot
OPTION #2 Schedule:
11:30AM Arrive Seorak, Start Hike
5:30PM Seorak Park Exit Parking Lot
The "basic cost" of the trip is 99,000 won.
It includes:
1. Round Trip Chartered Bus
2. Beachside Lodging (2 nights)
3. Breakfast (muffins and coffee)
If you make your deposit on or before 4/30 then the basic cost is 89,000 won.
If you make your deposit on or before 5/15 then the basic cost is 94,000 won.
Add or subtract the following from the basic cost:
1. Subtract 10,000 won if you meet us there and willing to stand in bus if full.
2. Add 11,000 per person if you want to do Zipline.
3. Add 15,000 per person per night if 2 people want to use a private room with bed.
Frequent Bus Rider Discount:
If you have been on 5 or more bus trips then 5,000 won discount.
The lodging is a motel with typical "ondol" sleep on the floor type and 4 or 5 to a room. We will separate men and women in general but could work out mixed rooms as well.
The large bus is limited to 45 people.
TRIP LEADER: Greg Garrigues
WinK Admin Sunny will be handling deposit confirmations. She can be reached via email to wheninkorea@gmail.com.
1. Please click on "Join" above so that your name appears on the "Going" list to the left column. We will be sending out change notices and updates only to those on the list and have not blocked our messages from reaching your inbox.
2. If # of spots remaining is less than 5 (shown on the deposit list) then please send an email (wheninkorea@gmail.com) to check if there is room for you.
PLEASE DO NOT SEND FACEBOOK MESSAGES we may not be able to see it. Please send us email to wheninkorea@gmail.com. Thanks.
3. Deposit the amount as shown above. Only a deposit AND your name on the Confirmation email guarantees space.
You can deposit for someone else or someone else can deposit for you.
You can use ATM to make the deposit if you or your friend has an ATM card. ATM's generally have an English menu.
Also please do not write "trip" or something like that for the deposit. Then it comes in as "trip" and we do not know who made the deposit.
Make the deposit to:
Kookmin Bank (KB) 국민은행
Cho, William (조윌리엄)
Or you can deposit the Pay Pal amount using the following email address:
Paypal amount will be the amount in won divided by 1,000. So as an example if it says 65,000 won then its $65 USD for paypal amount.
4. Fill out information in the following form AFTER you have made the deposit:
MIDDLE NAME (if you have it for your bank account)
We need the above information for each person of a group if you are a group.
5. Confirmation
Once we can confirm the deposit we will send you a reply confirmation email. THIS EMAIL IS YOUR CONFIRMATION. IF YOU DON'T HAVE THIS CONFIRMATION EMAIL THEN YOU ARE NOT CONFIRMED.
6. Information for Travel Insurance
You can buy travel insurance online. Here is an example of one of the many sites where you can buy insurance online:
We do not provide travel insurance. It is not required to have insurance to join the trip but highly recommend to get one in case. Please keep in mind the Liability Disclaimer below. We are not liable in anyway during or after the trip.
7. Refund or Credit Policy:
Time of Deposit to 7 Days Before Departure Time = 10,000 won Cancellation Charge per person for Refund of Deposit Amount to your bank account. Or you can apply full amount toward a future trip.
7 day before Departure to 72 Hours before Departure Time = 30,000 won Cancellation Charge per person for Refund to your bank account.
72 hours to 12 hrs Before Departure Time = 50,000 won cancellation charge per person for Refund to you Bank.
12 Hours Departure Time to No Show = No Refund.
Please provide account # by email to wheninkorea@gmail.com in order to receive refund.
Liability Disclaimer:
This travel group is not liable in anyway during or after your trip.
Please be careful and be mindful of safety. You are responsible for your own safety. You have the right to not do anything that you believe is too dangerous. None of the activities will be forced on you against your own will.
more information from:
My friends, enjoy with this amazing trip!
1. Hike Seoraksan
2. Beach Time
3. Zipline over Ocean!
Seoraksan (설악산) is the perhaps the most majestic of parks in Korea. The views from the highest peak will simply take your breath away.
However you have to pay a price for that amazing view. There are two Giant Hike Trails available to you.
The "smaller Giant Hike" hike is a 10-12 hour course. Lets call it the Dae Chung Bong / Chun Bul Dong course. It is so tough but so worth it. ^^
And then for those who like to challenge the toughest or the highest or the most difficult, you may want to take your shot at the Dinosaur Ridge. Let's call this the "bigger Giant Hike". It is similar to the 10hr "smaller Giant Course" course but add 2-3 extra hours. So it takes 12 to 14hrs. Only a few have taken this most difficult of the Seoraksan hikes and perhaps the most difficult one in Korea!
Perhaps the greatest view point in Seoraksan is the masterpiece view at the highest peak (Dae Chung Bong). At 1708 meters (5603 feet) it is 3rd highest of the big 3. Jeju Halasan is 1950 meters (6397 feet) and Jirisan is 1915 meters. Since you can begin the hike at 980 meters, the elevation rise is 700 meters (or about 2400 feet).
And to help be better prepared for the giant hike, instead of departing at 11PM from Seoul and then sleeping less than 2hrs on the bus to then embark on either of the Giant Hikes, lets take advantage of the 3day weekend. We leave 9AM on Saturday so we can check into the motel by NOON. Then you have the opportunity to relax on the very nice beach all afternoon. (Or go to Seorak Mountain)
The hikers should all stay in one room and hit the sack early like 9PM. Then get up at 2:303AM to head over to the hike starting point. You finish at 5:30PM and head over to the motel.
The beginning part of either Giant Hikes is the same. But at Hee Woon Gak you have to decide which of the two routes to take. The smaller Giant Hike to Chun Bul dong Valley or the bigger Giant hike to Dinosaur ridge.
But you are not Decathlon Athlete? No problem. There is a much shorter route available. The walk/hike to Ulsan Boulder is about a 4-5 hour round trip route. The views at the top is also breathtaking. You will see the awesome giant boulder ridges on one side and the ocean in the distance on the other.
So once you get to the beach you have 3 choices for Sunday:
1. Do the Giant Hike (Either Dinosaur Ridge or Chunbuldong)
2. Do the shorter Ulsan Boulder Hike or Go to top by Cable Car
3. Stay at the Beach
Then you will be able to spend the next morning (Monday) relaxing on the beach. Then before leaving for home a thrilling Zipline ride over the ocean!
It is the Longest Zipline in Korea. 419 meters long (1375 feet). And the zipline starts at a place near the beach such that you are ziplining over ocean water and end up on the sandy beach. Maximum weight limit is 110kg.
OPTION #1 - Giant Hikes
The Dinosaur Ridge Course is for people who stay fit:
You start at Osaek Hot Springs and head up to Dae Chung Bong peak (3-5 hrs) which is the peak of Seorak Mountain. Then from the peak head down to Hee Woon Gak (1hr) which is the starting point of the Dragon Ridge trail (4-6hrs) and then hike down to Bi Sun Dae (2 hrs). From Bi Sun Dae its easy stroll down to Seorak Valley (1hr).
Total Hike/Walk Time = 12-14 hours or so.
The Dae Chung Bong to Chun Bul Dong Course is also very tough:
Like the other hike you start at Osaek and head up to Dae Chung Bong peak (4-5 hrs). Then from the peak head down to Hee Woon Gak (1hr). From here continue heading down Chun Bul Dong Valley and on to Bi Sun Dae (3 hours). From Bi Sun Dae its easy stroll down to Seorak Valley (1hr). Chunbuldong Valley is awesome with so many water falls and pools of water to dip your feet in with foliage all around.
Total Hike/Walk Time = 9-11 hours or so.
Both will test your strength and you will be worn out for sure. There is a sauna facility nearby to soothe your aching muscles.
OPTION #2 - Ulsan Boulder Hike or Cable Car
Ulsan Boulder Hike is 4-5 hours and is quite easy except the steep ladders at the end. The view from the top is breathtaking. You get views of giant boulder ridges band also the ocean in the distance.
Chunbul Dong Valley is the most spectacular so if you wanted you could head up to a certain part of it from Bisundae and then come back down the same way.
Leave Seorak valley as the Giant Hike (Option 1) group finishes their hikes and meet up with you.
5/26 (SAT)
9:00AM Depart Seoul
Abgujeong Station (Line #3) Exit #1 around the corner
NOON Arrive Beachside Motel
Freetime on the Beach!
Dinner Time (Sea Food or BBQ at Restaurants on the Beach)
5/27 (SUN)
2:30AM Depart Motel
3AM Arrive Osaek
Bus Returns to Motel
11AM Bus Departs Motel
11:30AM Arrive Seorak Park
5:30PM Seorak Park Exit Parking Lot
6PM Arrive Motel
Dinner Time (Possible to Head Over to Seokcho Town for Dinner)
5/28 (MON)
Morning Beach time~
11:45AM Depart Beach for Zipline
1PM Start Zipline
3PM Depart for Seoul
7:45PM Arrive Seoul
OPTION #1 Schedule:
3AM Arrive, Start Hike
3PM Finish Hike and Arrive Bisundae
5:30PM Seorak Park Exit Parking Lot
OPTION #2 Schedule:
11:30AM Arrive Seorak, Start Hike
5:30PM Seorak Park Exit Parking Lot
The "basic cost" of the trip is 99,000 won.
It includes:
1. Round Trip Chartered Bus
2. Beachside Lodging (2 nights)
3. Breakfast (muffins and coffee)
If you make your deposit on or before 4/30 then the basic cost is 89,000 won.
If you make your deposit on or before 5/15 then the basic cost is 94,000 won.
Add or subtract the following from the basic cost:
1. Subtract 10,000 won if you meet us there and willing to stand in bus if full.
2. Add 11,000 per person if you want to do Zipline.
3. Add 15,000 per person per night if 2 people want to use a private room with bed.
Frequent Bus Rider Discount:
If you have been on 5 or more bus trips then 5,000 won discount.
The lodging is a motel with typical "ondol" sleep on the floor type and 4 or 5 to a room. We will separate men and women in general but could work out mixed rooms as well.
The large bus is limited to 45 people.
TRIP LEADER: Greg Garrigues
WinK Admin Sunny will be handling deposit confirmations. She can be reached via email to wheninkorea@gmail.com.
1. Please click on "Join" above so that your name appears on the "Going" list to the left column. We will be sending out change notices and updates only to those on the list and have not blocked our messages from reaching your inbox.
2. If # of spots remaining is less than 5 (shown on the deposit list) then please send an email (wheninkorea@gmail.com) to check if there is room for you.
PLEASE DO NOT SEND FACEBOOK MESSAGES we may not be able to see it. Please send us email to wheninkorea@gmail.com. Thanks.
3. Deposit the amount as shown above. Only a deposit AND your name on the Confirmation email guarantees space.
You can deposit for someone else or someone else can deposit for you.
You can use ATM to make the deposit if you or your friend has an ATM card. ATM's generally have an English menu.
Also please do not write "trip" or something like that for the deposit. Then it comes in as "trip" and we do not know who made the deposit.
Make the deposit to:
Kookmin Bank (KB) 국민은행
Cho, William (조윌리엄)
Or you can deposit the Pay Pal amount using the following email address:
Paypal amount will be the amount in won divided by 1,000. So as an example if it says 65,000 won then its $65 USD for paypal amount.
4. Fill out information in the following form AFTER you have made the deposit:
MIDDLE NAME (if you have it for your bank account)
We need the above information for each person of a group if you are a group.
5. Confirmation
Once we can confirm the deposit we will send you a reply confirmation email. THIS EMAIL IS YOUR CONFIRMATION. IF YOU DON'T HAVE THIS CONFIRMATION EMAIL THEN YOU ARE NOT CONFIRMED.
6. Information for Travel Insurance
You can buy travel insurance online. Here is an example of one of the many sites where you can buy insurance online:
We do not provide travel insurance. It is not required to have insurance to join the trip but highly recommend to get one in case. Please keep in mind the Liability Disclaimer below. We are not liable in anyway during or after the trip.
7. Refund or Credit Policy:
Time of Deposit to 7 Days Before Departure Time = 10,000 won Cancellation Charge per person for Refund of Deposit Amount to your bank account. Or you can apply full amount toward a future trip.
7 day before Departure to 72 Hours before Departure Time = 30,000 won Cancellation Charge per person for Refund to your bank account.
72 hours to 12 hrs Before Departure Time = 50,000 won cancellation charge per person for Refund to you Bank.
12 Hours Departure Time to No Show = No Refund.
Please provide account # by email to wheninkorea@gmail.com in order to receive refund.
Liability Disclaimer:
This travel group is not liable in anyway during or after your trip.
Please be careful and be mindful of safety. You are responsible for your own safety. You have the right to not do anything that you believe is too dangerous. None of the activities will be forced on you against your own will.
more information from:
My friends, enjoy with this amazing trip!
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Colorful spring making my heart filled with Natural feeling with an extraordinary aesthetic sense, Exploring defined beauty here in Korea. I felt like nothing is as young like Flowers. Wish to be like Flowers throughout the life.
Spring in Korea has a wonderful attraction. Korea has an extraordinary gift of clear seasons and its colorful appearances in the concerning seasons. The Flora looks very colorful and it matches very well with the clean roads and streets.
Here is a simple look of the spring on my way to school
Clean streets with Spring Flowers. Good matching.
Like Perfect Beauty in the world, it makes me happy and I feel so lucky in my everyday life in Korea.
This picture was taken by sitting down near the street of a flower tree. Yes it was like a Flower tree. Countless number of flowers were there.
Flowers which give hopes of being alive forever in the lab of nature
What would you say now? Well I would say, If you love Nature. Do not forget to Come Korea.
Innocence of Flower.
Feeling of being inspired by Nature
Simply Wonderful
Stay like this forever hahha
Meeting an innocent flower. Hey But do not worry at all will never pluck.
Red Roses trying to propose. Hey don't get more romantic.
Roses Together
Hey Beautiful rose. Are u shying?
OMG. I cannot believe I took this picture
Clear image in sunlight
Catch if you catch can, but remember not to pluck.
Beauty in its own style.
Buyana from Mongolia enjoying the wonderful spring in Korea.
Sun is setting , taken from my laboratory room's window.
I am happy, Yes , I am. I am happy because of the Flowers. I can' t stay untouched in front of the natural flowers, Yes,I am happy. I am happy because in this scientifically advanced country Natural beauty in the form of Natural flowers are around me. Yes , It does makes me happy. Yes , I am happy.
Photos are copyright reserved of Buyanaa, Please contact or let me know before copying.
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