This blog is a window to my Life in Korea as an International Student. I am Buyana Buyangerel from Mongolia who came to Korea to study Masters in Economics from Kangwon National University, Chuncheon. It was a big decision by me in my life when I decided my study destination to Korea but I find it as a Turning Point in my life. Everybody of You are cordially welcome to join this blog. I hope the Morning calm will definitely inspire the Wonderful Blue sky.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Colorful spring making my heart filled with Natural feeling with an extraordinary aesthetic sense, Exploring defined beauty here in Korea. I felt like nothing is as young like Flowers. Wish to be like Flowers throughout the life.

Spring in Korea has a wonderful attraction. Korea has an extraordinary gift of clear seasons and its colorful appearances in the concerning seasons. The Flora looks very colorful and it matches very well with the clean  roads and streets. 

Here is a simple look of the spring on my way to school

                           Clean streets with Spring Flowers. Good matching.

Like Perfect Beauty in the world, it makes me happy and I feel so lucky in my everyday life in Korea.

       This picture was taken by sitting down near the street of a flower  tree. Yes it was like a Flower tree. Countless number of flowers were there.

                              Flowers which give hopes of being alive forever in the lab of nature

                 What would you say now?  Well I would say, If you love Nature. Do not forget to Come Korea.

                                                              Innocence of Flower.

                                                         Feeling of being inspired by Nature

                                                               Simply Wonderful

                                                              Stay like this forever hahha

                         Meeting an innocent flower. Hey But do not worry at all will never pluck.

                                   Red Roses  trying to propose. Hey don't get more romantic.

                                                                   Roses Together

                                                     Hey Beautiful rose. Are u shying?

                                               OMG. I cannot believe I took this picture

                                                     Clear image   in sunlight

                                        Catch if you catch can, but remember not to pluck.

                                                             Beauty in its own style.

                                          Buyana from Mongolia enjoying the wonderful spring in Korea.

                                          Sun is setting , taken from my laboratory room's window.


I am happy, Yes , I am. I am happy because of the Flowers. I can' t stay untouched in front of the natural flowers,  Yes,I am happy.  I am happy because in this scientifically advanced country Natural beauty in the form of Natural flowers are around me. Yes , It does makes me happy.  Yes , I am happy.


 Photos are copyright reserved of Buyanaa, Please contact or let me know before copying.

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