This blog is a window to my Life in Korea as an International Student. I am Buyana Buyangerel from Mongolia who came to Korea to study Masters in Economics from Kangwon National University, Chuncheon. It was a big decision by me in my life when I decided my study destination to Korea but I find it as a Turning Point in my life. Everybody of You are cordially welcome to join this blog. I hope the Morning calm will definitely inspire the Wonderful Blue sky.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Recruitment of Vietnamese Students by Ottogi Korea.

 Ottogi Korea is recruiting Vietnamese students to work in their Quality Control Department. If you
are a Vietnamese student or faculty member studying in Korea and a graduate, soon-to-be graduate, or
 part of a Nutrition, Food Engineering, Biology, Chemistry, or Natural Science department, and if you
are fluent in the Korean language, you may ap...ply. Since the company wants fluent Korean-speakers,
 the rest of the job information is in Korean.

오뚜기 품질관리부서 채용 계획

1. 모집분야: QC(Quality Control)

2. 모집인원: 0명

3. 지원자격:

베트남국적의 대학 졸업예정자 또는 기졸업자

전공: 식품영양, 식품공학, 생명, 화학, 자연과학 계열 전공자 및 기타 식품관련학과

외국어: 자국어 및 한국어 능통자

4. 근무조건

-근무기간: 6개월 (학사 주당 20시간 미만, 석사 주당30시간 내)

※근무기간 및 근무 시간은 추후 협의를 통해 조정 가능

-급여: 근무 일에 따라 변동

인턴근무 이후 정규직 전환의 기회 부여(정규직 전환 시 연봉: 3000만원 초반)

5. 근무부서: 품질보증팀(오뚜기 센터: 서울 대치동)

6. 채용일: 수시

7. 전형진행

1차: 서류심사

2차: 면접

3차: 면접

(일정에 따라 면접은 한번만 진행 할 수도 있음)

자세한 사항은 또는 인사팀 02-2010-0742(최원석)으로 문의
Good luck friends !!!

'Hallyu' back: Obama catches the 'Korean Wave'

REPORTING FROM SEOUL -- On his third visit to South Korea, President Obama seems to have caught the “Korean Wave.”
The term for the surge and spread of Korean pop culture -- “hallyu” in Korean -- popped up in the president’s speech on Monday, along with a sprinkle of other in-the-know references intended to show he could hang with the kids of Hankuk University, the audience for his otherwise policy-heavy speech.
Before launching into a review of his nuclear weapons policy, Obama name-checked South Korea’s hugely popular social networking sites -- Me2Day and Kakao Talk, the latter claiming to transmit 1 billion messages daily. He praised the young Koreans’ optimism and promise -- and tech savvy.
“It’s no wonder so many people around the world have caught the Korean Wave -- hallyu,” Obama said, in one of his biggest applause lines.

PHOTOS: Obama in South Korea

The president seems to be among them. With three presidential trips, Seoul gets the designation of Obama's most-visited foreign capitol. President Lee Myung-bak has come to the White House twice, once feted with a state dinner. The two leaders greeted each other warmly Sunday, Obama giving Lee a handshake and a back slap, as he arrived for a bilateral meeting.
In his remarks, Obama called South Korea a “modern miracle,” for its rise from war-ravaged dictatorship to a rich democracy. He declared the Koreans are “one people” and compared the peninsula’s division between the north and south to postwar Germany divided between east and west. Like the Germans, “the Korean people, at long last, will be whole and free,” Obama said.
Obama is in Seoul, along with leaders from more than 50 other nations, for a global summit on fighting nuclear terrorism. Despite the topic, the prime message so far has been solidarity with South Korea, particularly in its continued struggles with North Korea.
No matter what the challenge, "we go together," Obama said closing his remarks with the Korean translation: "Katchi kapshida!"

-- Kathleen B. Hennessey
Photo: President Obama arrives to speak at Hankuk University in Seoul on Monday. Credit: Susan Walsh / Associated Press

Friday, March 16, 2012

Reminiscence of a meaningful visit to Andong in Korea, exploring Korea@ Hahoe village. Miss You Andong!

       It was a wonderful sunny day. My first trip in Korea which  put in me an unforgettable impression.

    I enjoyed a lot with my  friends from different countries of the world studying in Korea. We took pictures,
    had very delicious Korean food, and saw some excellent piece of Korean traditional art. There were so
    many Hanok. I really like Korean traditional house, called   Hanok. To be very fact, this experience made me love Korean cultural assets more.

   The Mask play of Hahoe Byeolsin exorcism that is made by wood. ''Yangban" mask is one of the masks used  in the Korean traditional mask dance drama, famous in Hahoe village of Andong district, North Kyungsang
   province. The lower class satirized the upper class by playing the role of "Yangban" (aristocrats of old
   Korea) wearing this mask.

                  Using the Mask in an amazing art form. This is called performing art. Wow. Simply Great!

Enjoying the Folk play. Excellent! I have never enjoyed a folk play before. I am looking for a different folk play to see after this.

  Together, We are and Together We will. Yes, Traditions will always be remembered as they are traditions. Hats off for keeping alive those traditions for some moments.

     The two good friends from same major, same department and from same university in Mongolia and Korea as well.  Friends for ever.

Hey Hulan?  Why are you so serious??? Are u still lost in Korea's Tradition?? Just wake up!  

        Cow girl!!!! If you wanna be a cow girl, Go Go Go!! I mean to Andong! hahhahahha

 Happy Happy Moments!! This is called feeling Happiness. What a Moment/1 Moment of the trip! Nature, Tradition, folk. wow wow wow!

Now what do you say?? Yes we enjoyed up to  the fullest!  If you also then What are you waiting for??

The  picture in the background is of Nakdong River.We had the opportunity to visit this River which has played an extremely important role throughout the Korean History. The Nakdong  river basin has been a favored dwelling-place for as long as people have inhabited  Korea from Centuries. There are a no. of  Neolithic remains have been found in the valley and it was a great moment visiting this River.

 I was quite amazed to the picture with a Korean Maple tree in the background. It looks so natural and decorative having picture with a Maple tree in Korea. Especially, in the lap of Nature in a sunny day  with reflection of sunlight to the leaves. I tried to get know the biological name of this Korean Maple and found it as " Acer Pseudosieboldianum".

Well its always nice to travel with friends, I have seen come very  things during my visit to hahoe and often wish to share such kind of moment again.This trip was no exception and was full of funny moments with my friends. Many amazing things happened and we had enough time to interact and share so many things.It made Korea more important for me because of my friends who were also had immense pleasure exploring Hahoe.

 Yeah!!!!  Now , would like to request friends in Mongolia, Come , Come and Come to Korea if You also want to explore the beauty and be happy like me. My invitation to you my friends. Would love to escort you free of Cost once you visit.  So again, Come! A good Option!

Buyaana Buyangerel , a Student from Mongolia pursuing Masters in Economics from Kangwon National University.

20% discount for foreigners in Seoul Representative Original Opera Love Letter (Yeonseo), Second Chapter.

Love Letter
Seoul Representative Original Opera Love Letter(Yeonseo), Second Chapter

2012.3.15(THU)-18(SUN) Sejong Grand Theater
175 Sejong-daero (Sejongno) Jongno-gu, Seoul 110-821, KOREA
Line1 City Hall, Exit No.3 To the direction of Koreana Hotel
Line3 Gyeongbokgung Station, Exit No. 6, 7 To the direction of Foreign Exchange Bank
Line5 Gwanghwamun Station, Exit No. 1, 8
main line bus 103, 109, 150, 401, 402, 408, 606, 607, 700, 704, 706, 707
local line bus 1020, 1711, 7016, 7018, 7022, 7212
megalopolis line bus 1005-1, 1500, 5500-1, 550-2, 9000, 9401, 9703, 9710
Ticket: R70,000KRW S50,000KRW A30,000KRW B10,000KRW
Tel: 02.399.1114~6
Broken hearted love letter with the best star production crew.
Seoul Representative Original Opera Love Letter(Yeonseo), Second Chapter.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Experience Korea’s Performing Arts & Culture!

We're looking for foreign nationals residing in Korea who are willing to attend and review a variety of performances and cultural events. Free admission will be provided for the performances. Click here for more info and an application!

NOW RECRUITING Korea Performance Supporters
Experience Korea’s Performing Arts & Culture! The Korea Tourism Organization (KTO) is recruiting Korea Performance Supporters to attend and send feedback on a wide variety of performances and cultural events held in Korea. Please click and follow the link below for filling the application form. Korea Performance Supporter.

Friday, March 9, 2012

My never ending love for Hanok : Traditional Korean House

  •  Standing in front of a tradition which exists until  now in Korea, With the passage of the history things changed but the overview of Hanok still gives of feeling  of tradition being alive. The Korean Traditional houses had special meanings and belief during the Joseon dynasty. Let's have a look:
    Hanok is Korean traditional architectural house. Needless to say , a house where my future dreams to have my own house lies. 
    Hanok had been a fascinating beauty for me from the very first day I saw Hanok. Its beauty flew me away and cultivated the seeds in my mind a dream to live inside Hanok during my married life. of course its not a joke. Its just my love for Hanok coming out in words.
           Generally, hanok is considered as living place. It  reflects the traditional lifestyle of Korean people. 

  • Actually in the past , for  building a tile-roofed house, prohibitive additional cost of baking and covering tiles was huge amount which had to get paid by the only powerful people, government officials, and the rich middle class could live in tile-roofed houses. I think living in Hanok can bring a feeling of that period.

    Pictures are copyright of Buyanaa Buyangerel.

Information regarding TOPIK transcript validity

This is to inform to all of my friends through my blog that until now, there was no fixed validity period for TOPIK [TEST OF PROFICIENCY IN KOREAN] but from the year 2012 the validity of TOPIK is applied for 2 ( two )years.

For those who already have the [1st-24th] TOPIK transcripts, their TOPIK transript is valid upto 2013/12/31[ Dec 31, 2013].

From the 25th TOPIK exam, conducted in 2012 , TOPIK transcripts will be valid from the date of result announcement upto 2 years.

For ex: If the date of 25th TOPIK result announcement is 2012/02/10[Feb 10,2012] , then it will be valid until 2014/2/9[ Feb 9,2014].

from Buyaana

Campus Caravan 2012 in Kangwon National University

2012 Korea-Japan-China University students International Campus caravan is to be organized in three universities in Korea namely, Kangwon National University, Yeungnam University and Woosuk University.

In Kangwon National University, it will be organised on March 20,2012.

The details are given below:

Place: Kangwon National University, 60 Years Anniversary Building [10:00~11:45 a.m]

Date: March 20,2012

Organized by: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat,Kangwon National University,Yeungnam University and Woosuk University.

All the foreign Students who are interested to participate in the this Campus Caravan are welcome to join.

Learn Traditional Korean Minhwa Painting

Hello international students. Hope you are all into a great start this semester. For those of you who want to experience traditional Korean culture, we present you with this opportunity - classes about traditional Korean Minhwa folk painting, beginner level. The Korean Buddhist Cheontae Order, in collaboration with the Global Culture Interchange Forum, wants to recruit international students for folk painting classes to promote global exchange. Any international students who is interested in traditional Korean culture is welcome to apply. Please look at the details below.
Minhwa, or 민화, refers to the type of Korean folk art that consists of paintings of mythical figures and other objects in a specific plain, straightforward, and naive style. They show figures from folk mythology and legends, symbols of happiness, wealth and health, and scenes of everyday life.
<>March 28 - June 29, 2012. Wednesday, Friday 10am - noon. 2 times a week, 28 classes total.
Qualified Applicants:International Students who are interested in traditional Korean culture
Application Period:March 6 to March 23, 2012
Positions Available:25, the first 25 applicants
Class:Learning Traditional Korean Culture - "Minhwa" - Korean Folk Painting Class (Beginners Level)
Location:Global Buddhist Temple, Myung-rak-sa Education Center, Yunhwa-dang 1st Floor, Cheong Ryung Dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul 894-4.
Host:The Korean Buddhist Cheontae Order
Sponsor:Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism
Organizer:Global Culture Interchange Forum
To Apply:Call the Global Culture Interchange Forum at 02-882-7896, or write them at
For Additional Questions:Call Deputy-in-charge Mr. Kim Jong at 070-4352-5483.
Summary of Benefits:Free class, free painting supplies, certificate of completion, special priority to participate in Culture Experience Program organized by the Buddhist Temple in April and October, will hold exhibition of artwork completed by the participants in July of this year.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

The 5 Palaces of Seoul

Seoul is home to five royal palaces from the Chosun Dynasty. They generally consist of a host of buildings with the throne hall and royal council hall at the center. Behind the throne hall, where major state events were held, are the sleeping quarters, and to the east is the crown prince's residence. A garden at the back of the palace allowed the king and his family to rest from their duties.

Each building was made of wood and featured a tiled roof and multi-color paintings on the pillars and rafters to illustrate the authority and dignity of the king.

◆ Gyeongbok Palace

Yi Seong-gye founded the Chosun Dynasty in 1392 and designated Hanyang (now Seoul) as the capital. He had a new palace built there and named it Gyeongbok (Felicitous Blessing) Palace. It was burned to ashes during the Japanese invasions of Korea from 1592 to 1598 and rebuilt in 1867. Visitors to the palace can watch the royal guard changing ceremony every hour from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in front of the main gate.
◆ Changdeok Palace

Changdeok Palace was the second Chosun Dynasty palace built in 1405. Meaning "prospering virtue," the palace replaced Gyeongbok Palace amidst political struggle over the throne. It was also burnt during the Japanese invasion but rebuilt in 1609 to be used as the state palace. A must-see in the palace, which was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1997, is the back garden. The biggest of its kind from the Chosun period, this beautiful and lush garden was favored by the royal family.
◆ Changgyeong Palace

Built in 1483, Changgyeong (Flourishing Gladness) Palace was one of the "eastern palaces" along with Changdeok Palace because they sat east of Gyeongbok Palace. In the last years of the dynasty, the Japanese occupiers built a zoo, botanical garden and museum in the palace compound with a view to symbolically undermining the royal status of the dynasty. The palace was restored in 1984 with the removal of the structures added by the Japanese.
◆ Gyeonghui Palace

Initially called Gyeongdeok Palace, Gyeonghui (Serene Harmony) Palace was built in 1623 and also called the "western palace" as it was located west of Gyeongbok Palace. It was not built as a main seat of government but as a kind of royal villa. Visitors to the palace should drop by the nearby Seoul Museum of History as well.
◆ Deoksu Palace

Originally called Gyeongun Palace, Deoksu (Virtuous Longevity) Palace got its current name only in 1907, when Emperor Gojong moved into the palace, in a doomed attempt to ensure the monarch's longevity. Unlike other Chosun palaces, Deoksu Palace uniquely integrates traditional wooden and Western architectural elements. Visitors to the palace should not miss the royal guard changing ceremony, which is held three times a day.

Source: Chosunilbo

HANSAE Scholarship for foreign graduate students from Asia

A Korean major sewing company, Hansae Co., Ltd., is offering a scholarship opportunity for graduate international students from Asia.
The scholarship specifications are as follows:
○ Scholarship Eligibility
1. Graduate international students with nationalities from Asia (new enrolling students in Feb 2012 can also apply)
2. Fluency in Korean
3. No limitations on major fields of study
4. Students with intentions of accepting job offers from Hansae after graduation
○ Application Period: 9/26(Mon) ~ 10/09(Sun) until 24:00
○ Application Procedure
ㆍ 1st Step: Review of Submitted Documents
ㆍ 2nd Step: Interview
ㆍ Interview schedules will be announced individually after the review of documents.
○ Grants: 2,000,000 KRW per student / per semester
○ Grant Period: Maximum of 2 years per student (grant will be given from Feb 2012, i.e students graduating in Feb 2012 cannot apply)
○ Required Application Materials (all should be in Korean!):
ㆍ Resume (including an identification photograph)
ㆍ Cover Letter
ㆍ Certificate of Studentship
ㆍ Transcript
○ E-Mail Application documents to:
○ For more information:
ㆍ Phone   02-3779-0779
ㆍ Website
○ Hansae Co., Ltd.
Hansae Co., Ltd. is one of the biggest sewing companies in Korea, with annual sales of 530 million dollars in 2007. Since 1988, Hansae Co., Ltd. has been operating foreign subsidiaries, including Vietnam, Indonesia, Cambodia, China, Nicaragua, and Guatemala, where 15,000 of local employees are working currently. The head-quarter is located in Yoido (Yoi–island, Seoul) currently employing 430 workers

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Historical path of economy: South Korea

Бүгд Найрамдах Солонгос Улсын эрчимтэй хөгжлийн түүхээс...
XIX зууны үед Солонгосын хойгийг эзэгнэх гэсэн хүсэлтэй Ази, Европын хэд хэдэн империалист улс хоорондоо зөрчилдөж байжээ. Хятад болон Оростой хийсэн дайнд ялалт байгуулсан Япон Улс 1910 онд Солонгосыг хүчээр эзэлж, колончлолын дэглэм тогтоожээ. Сургуулийн хичээлийг солонгос хэлээр явуулахыг хориглох зэрэг дээрэнгүй аргаар өөртөө уусгах гэсэн Японы түрэмгий бодлого Солонгосын ард түмний эрх чөлөөний тэмцлийг мохоож чадаагүй байна. Колончлолын жилүүдэд Япон Улс Солонгосыг эдийн засгийн хувьд бүрэн эрх мэдэлдээ байлган ашиглаж байсан бөгөөд 1945 онд дэлхийн хоёр дугаар дайн дуусах хүртэл солонгосчууд Японы дарангуйлал дор байсан. Дэлхийн хоёр дугаар дайнд Япон Улс ялагдахад солонгосчууд тусгаар тогтносон, нэгдмэд нэг улс байгуулахыг зорьсон боловч Өмнөд, Умардын хоорондох хүйтэн дайны уршгаар Солонгос үндэстэн хоёр хуваагдсан бөгөөд 1953 онд дайны гал зогсоох хамтарсан гэрээний дагуу Солонгосын хойг хоёр хуваагдаж энэхүү дайн дууссан байна.Дайны дараа хөдөө аж ахуйн хэвшилтэй ядуу буурай орон байсан өмнөд Солонгос Улсын эдийн засаг 1962 оноос огцом хөгжиж, 40 жил хүрэхгүй хугацаанд “Хан мөрний гайхамшиг” хэмээн нэрлэсэн гялалзсан амжилтыг дэлхий нийтэд гайхуулж чаджээ.Экспортыг хөгжлийн хөдөлгүүр болгон гадагш чиглэсэн эдийн засгийн хөгжлийн стратеги нь Солонгосын эдийн засгийн шинэчлэлд маш их хувь нэмэр оруулсан байна. Энэ стратегид тулгуурласан хөгжлийн хөтөлбөрүүд амжилттай хэрэгжсэний үр дүнд, 1962-оос 2007 онд солонгосын үндэсний нийт бүтээгдэхүүн 2.3 тэрбум ам. доллар байснаас 477.0 тэрбум ам. долларт хүрч, нэг хүнд ногдох үндэсний цэвэр орлого нь 87 ам. доллараас 20045 ам. доллар болтлоо өссөн байна. Эдгээр тоо баримтууд нь БНСУ-ын авч хэрэгжүүлсэн эдийн засгийн хөтөлбөрүүдийн үр дүнг бүрэн илтгэж байна.Солонгос Улсын гол импортын бүтээгдэхүүнд үйлдвэрийн үндсэн түүхий эд болох боловсруулаагүй газрын тос, байгалийн түүхий эд болон өргөн хэрэглээний бараа бүтээгдэхүүн, хүнсний зүйлс, мөн машин механизм, цахилгаан болон тээврийн хэрэгслийн тоног төхөөрөмж багтдаг.Солонгосын эдийн засгийн өсөлтийн тогтвортой байдал нь аж үйлдвэрлэлийн дэлхий дахинд танигдах болсон хэд хэдэн бүтээгдэхүүн үйлдвэрлэдэг болсонтой нь холбоотой. Солонгос Улс дэлхийд хамгийн том усан онгоц үйлдвэрлэгч орон бөгөөд усан онгоц үйлдвэрлэлийн салбар нь сүүлийн 4 жил дэлхийд манлайлж, дэлхийн нийт усан онгоц үйлдвэрлэлийн захиалгын 40 хувийг гүйцэтгэж байна. Дэлхийн зах зээлийн 11 орчим хувийг эзэлж байгаа хагас дамжуулагчийн үйлдвэрлэл нь дэлхийд тэргүүлэх салбар болсон бөгөөд ялангуяа флаш, шуурхай санах ойн төхөөрөмжүүд (ДРАМ) үйлдвэрлэлээр дэлхийд нэгдүгээрт орж, өнөөдөр зах зээлийн 49 хувийг эзэлж байна. Мөн флаш, мемори чипс үйлдвэрлэлээр дэлхийн зах зээлийн 63 хувийг эзэлж байна.Өнөөдөр Солонгос Улсын хагас дамжуулагч, гар утас, Эл Си Ди хавтгай дэлгэц тухайн салбартаа тэргүүлж, борлуулалтаараа дэлхийд манлайлагч орон болжээ. Компьютерийн чипс, гар утас зэрэг бүтээгдэхүүн Солонгосын нийт экспортын 30 гаруй хувийг бүрдүүлж байна.Солонгос Улс аж үйлдвэрийн бодлого, чиглэлээ тогтвортой байлгаж, 10 жил тутам өөрчилж байсан нь улсынхаа эдийн засгийг цаашид улам амжилттай цэцэглэн хөгжихөд тустай алхам болсон байна.
Үүнд:1. Солонгос Улс 1960-аад оноос экспортод тулгуурласан хөгжлийн хөтөлбөр боловсруулж, холбогдох хууль дүрмийг батлан гаргаж, экспортыг түлхүү дэмжих болсон байна.
2. Химийн хүнд үйлдвэрлэл 1970-аад оны үед үндэсний үйлдвэрлэлийн бодлогын цөм нь болж байсан.
3. 1980-аад оны үеэс аж үйлдвэрлэлийн салбарт бүтцийн өөрчлөлт шинэчлэлт хийгдэж эхэлжээ. Уг шинэчлэлийн зорилго нь жижиг дунд үйлдвэрлэлийг (ЖДҮ) дэмжихэд чиглэсэн байна.
4. 1990-ээд оноос зах зээлийг нээлттэй болгож,чөлөөт зах зээлийг бий болгосон бөгөөд 1997 онд Азийн санхүүгийн хямрал болоход Солонгос Улс хямралыг түргэн даван туулах эрс шийдвэртэй арга хэмжээ авсан байна.
5. 2000 оноос шинэ санаа, шинэ бүтээл нь үндэсний хөтөлбөрт тэргүүлэх асуудал болжээ. Үйлдвэрлэлийн салбарт илүү шинэ санаа нэвтрүүлж, шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн үйлдвэрлэхийн тулд Солонгост бизнесийн таатай орчин бүрдүүлэх, жижиг дунд үйлдвэрлэгчид болон том компаниудын хамтын ажиллагааг өргөжүүлэх бодлогыг дэмжиж байна.
Сүүлийн 30 жилийн турш Солонгосын эдийн засгийн дундаж өсөлт 8.6 хувь байсан бөгөөд гадаад худалдааны эргэлтийн хэмжээгээр дэлхийд 11 дүгээрт орж байна.
Хүний амьдралын хоёр үе хүрэхгүй хугацаанд, энэ үндэстэн усан онгоц, цахилгаан хэрэгсэл, хагас дамжуулагч болон авто машин үйлдвэрлэлээр дэлхийд тэргүүлэгч орны нэг болж чадсан байна.

A Visit to the Ancient Capital of Shilla

It is said that if you want to get to know a country, then you should learn the history, and if you want to learn the history, then you should visit the old capital. That is why many Koreans pick Gyeongju, the capital of the ancient kingdom of Shilla as the cradle of Korea's ancient civilization.

As soon as visitors step over the threshold of the Wolamjae traditional house in Gyengju, they are captivated by the atmosphere, as if taking a trip back in time several hundred years ago. Only one study in the old house remains from the time when it was built. Surrounded by a magnificent natural landscape, the house was built based on the principles of Fengshui, with a mountain in the back and a stream out front.

All rooms in Wolamjae have traditional Korean underfloor heating or ondol, so it is a good place to stay for visitors to experience the old Korean lifestyle.
Wolamjae Wolamjae
The Gyeongju National Museum is also suffused with tradition. The garden of the museum houses the bell of King Seongdeok, more popularly known as Emile Bell. The next stop is the Archaeology Hall where gold ornaments like crowns, belts, and necklaces excavated from tombs are displayed. The extravagant jewelry gives an idea of the lifestyle of the Shilla royal family.

At the Anapji Hall of the museum, some of the 30,000 relics discovered in Anapji are exhibited. While other halls mostly feature objects from royal tombs, this hall shows those used by ordinary people. The main Art Hall displays delicate porcelain and crafts. The outdoor exhibition features stone objects collected from Buddhist temples and palaces.
Source: Chosunilbo

Korean-American Singer Makes Final of 'American Idol'

Han Hee-jun Han Hee-jun
Han Hee-jun has become the first Korean to appear in the final of "American Idol." He made it into the Top 13 of the hit Fox TV audition program last Thursday and will compete against the other finalists on Wednesday. The show is now in its 11th season.

"American Idol" is hugely popular in the States, where it regularly attracts viewer ratings of up to 30 percent, and has inspired copycat shows around the world, including Korea's own "Superstar K." Some of the program's season winners have gone on to enjoy huge success, notably Season 1 winner Kelly Clarkson.

While some young hopefuls of Korean descent have progressed through the rounds, however, none have yet made the final. Korean-Americans John Park, runner-up of "Superstar K2," and Paul Kim, who appeared in MBC's "Star Audition," made it to the Top 24 in Season 9 and Season 6 of American Idol, respectively.

Among the Top 13, 10 are selected based on viewers' votes and the remaining three are chosen by the show's three judges. Han advanced by popular demand from fans.

Han moved to the U.S. when he was 12 and currently lives in Flushing, New York, which has a large Korean community. Although he is an American citizen, he still holds Korean citizenship.

The 22-year-old, who works with missionaries at a charity that helps people with disabilities, said he decided to take part in "American Idol" to help the charity with its fundraising efforts. Han said volunteering helped him overcome some of the challenges he faced when he was struggling to adapt to his new life in the U.S.

Source: The Chosunilbo

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