This blog is a window to my Life in Korea as an International Student. I am Buyana Buyangerel from Mongolia who came to Korea to study Masters in Economics from Kangwon National University, Chuncheon. It was a big decision by me in my life when I decided my study destination to Korea but I find it as a Turning Point in my life. Everybody of You are cordially welcome to join this blog. I hope the Morning calm will definitely inspire the Wonderful Blue sky.

Friday, March 9, 2012

My never ending love for Hanok : Traditional Korean House

  •  Standing in front of a tradition which exists until  now in Korea, With the passage of the history things changed but the overview of Hanok still gives of feeling  of tradition being alive. The Korean Traditional houses had special meanings and belief during the Joseon dynasty. Let's have a look:
    Hanok is Korean traditional architectural house. Needless to say , a house where my future dreams to have my own house lies. 
    Hanok had been a fascinating beauty for me from the very first day I saw Hanok. Its beauty flew me away and cultivated the seeds in my mind a dream to live inside Hanok during my married life. of course its not a joke. Its just my love for Hanok coming out in words.
           Generally, hanok is considered as living place. It  reflects the traditional lifestyle of Korean people. 

  • Actually in the past , for  building a tile-roofed house, prohibitive additional cost of baking and covering tiles was huge amount which had to get paid by the only powerful people, government officials, and the rich middle class could live in tile-roofed houses. I think living in Hanok can bring a feeling of that period.

    Pictures are copyright of Buyanaa Buyangerel.

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog! yes! korean old houses and villages are amazing. people should go and see how they looks like and it will bring you a feeling about old korean life! Its nice to see korean tradition is still alive and long more ahead...
